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September 3, 2024

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The American Planning Association (APA) and the Association of State Floodplain Managers (ASFPM) are presenting the second Planning Information Exchange (PIE) webinar, “Climate Change and Adaptation” at 1 pm CT on July 30. PIE is a free eight-part quarterly webinar series focusing on tools, best practices, and strategies on the role of hazard mitigation planning and its connections with recovery planning and preparedness. Click here to Register

Source:: FloodBarrierUSA

The Journal of Earth Science has published a new study from Washington University in St. Louis that says federal agencies are underestimating 100-year flood levels on major rivers in the Midwest by as much as five feet. For businesses in these areas, this should cause serious concern. For most, moving out of the flood zone is not an option. Flood mitigation solutions, such as flood panels, flood doors and flood barriers should be considered to protect buildings and valuable business assets. Click here to read more on the study.

Flood waters inundated parts of Jefferson City, Missouri, and threatened the Missouri State Capitol during the “Great Flood of 1993.” Credit: Wikipedia / Creative Commons

Source:: FloodBarrierUSA

In the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, an aggressive planning process was put into place to prevent future disasters in New York City. The process included a competition to design new flood defense projects, and the results were stunning. One of the most interesting and beautiful projects that emerged from this competition has been dubbed the Dryline Project.

The Dryline Project was designed by a Danish firm called the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG). The project is extremely ambitious and aesthetically very pleasing. Dryline envisions a green ribbon of inviting parks, paths, and wetlands that cleverly conceal berms, flood barriers, and flood panels that will pop into place in the event of flooding.

Global Holcim Awards Bronze 2015 – “The Dryline”: Urban flood protection infrastructure, New York, NY, USA. BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group (Copenhagen/New York) and One Architecture (Amsterdam), in collaboration with the City of New York, propose a protective ribbon in Southern Manhattan using a series of raised berms and other measures to create public spaces along the water’s edge, forming a large-scale integrated flood protection system.

One of the central features of the plan consists of a series of ‘bridging berms’, that would be installed all around the waterfront, protecting the low-lying areas of Manhattan. It would essentially be a raised berm of earth that is beautifully landscaped with soil-holding vegetation. This green belt of raised earth would serve two purposes: protecting homes and businesses in vulnerable Manhattan, and providing recreational opportunities and beautification of the waterfront areas- to be enjoyed by everyone. Included in the plans are a series of public pools, cycle paths, art spaces, and a multitude of improvements that could become a world-famous tourist attraction- all while providing robust flood protection for the city.

The BIG designers envision the Dryline project as something that will attract people with its recreational and aesthetic appeal, all the while concealing state-of-the-art flood protection that will deploy automatically. During dry conditions, the automatic flood panels will be placed in such a way as to maintain sea views and access to the waterfront. Raised platforms that are actually flood barriers will be used for open community classes such as martial arts or exercise groups.

One interesting aspect of the planned improvements would include a “reverse aquarium” near the waterfront. This aquarium is envisioned as a part of the huge flood-wall that will feature a very thick pane of clear plexiglass, enabling viewers to see the underwater world that exists off the Manhattan shoreline. The reverse aquarium offers seating areas for those wishing to contemplate the undersea vistas, and it also includes signage that explains rising sea levels and the changes wrought by humans upon the planet.

As the planet warms up, hurricanes and destructive storms will become more and more frequent- and more deadly- in the densely populated US East Coast. Projects like Dryline may not fully prevent storm damage, but they will go a long way towards minimizing the impact from these inevitable events. And when the project combines flood protection with beautifully designed pavilions, recreational opportunities, and lovely public green spaces- everyone wins, even during dry weather.

Source:: FloodBarrierUSA

Heavy rains in the New York area last month resulted in flash flooding across the region and brought back traumatic memories of Hurricane Sandy for some residents. The boroughs of Staten Island, Queens, and Brooklyn were the most impacted parts of the city, with Newark and Hoboken in neighboring New Jersey also flooded.

Luckily, the storm began on a Sunday evening, lessening the impact to commuters and business. The rate of precipitation was extremely high, with 2 to 3 inches of rain falling every hour while the worst of the tempest passed through the region. Low-lying areas were flooded almost immediately, unable to channel off the water quickly enough. The Daily News reported that one unfortunate man lost his car almost immediately during a flash flood on the Long Island Expressway:

“The car in front of me stopped, so I stopped, and all of a sudden my car filled with water. It rose so quick it was up to my waist in minutes,” said Stephen Mitchell, 67, of Pennsylvania. He said his $135,000 2014 BMW M6 was totaled in floodwaters on the Long Island Expressway near Utopia Parkway late Sunday.

Flash flooding caused closure of major expressways and railroad lines, downed power lines, and caused flight delays at local airports. The rains lessened as Monday dawned on the region, but unfortunately it began to rain again later in the day, and commuters faced the threat of flash floods during the evening hours. By Monday afternoon, the whole city was under a flash flood warning issued by the National Weather Service (NWS).

Later in the day, as rains refused to let up, the NWS extended the flood warnings to the entire tri-state area. Land that had already been saturated over the weekend simply ran off the water into choked canals, storm drains, and inundated any low-lying areas. Thousands of homes and businesses were left without power as power lines and trees were downed, and maintenance crews struggled to repair them under dangerous conditions.

One bizarre result of the flooding was the appearance of very large fish swimming through city streets in Newark and Hoboken, as natural rivers and waterways merged with roadways. There were so many fish that officials felt it necessary to release public health warnings to residents to avoid catching or eating the fish, as they may have been exposed to toxic substances during the flooding.

In addition to stranded fish, there were many motorists left surrounded by water on roadways in New Jersey and New York. These roads were dry one minute and flooded the next, taking many drivers by surprise. New York City is a very low-lying metropolis, having been built atop reclaimed swampland, and it is very vulnerable and prone to flooding. This threat will only continue to get worse in the coming decades, as climate change, storm surges, sea level rise, and erosion all collaborate to flood this heavily populated zone time and time again.

Source:: FloodBarrierUSA

February 13, 2025
Mount Royal, N.J—Engineers, architects and contractors can rest assured that has a selection of products that meet and exceed the forthcoming American Society of Civil Engineers/Structural Engineering Institute (ASCE/SEI) 24-24 standards for flood-resistant design and construction. Now the international leader in flood mitigation products has another engineered and tested product that exceeds these new standards for buildings in FEMA flood zones. recently conducted third-party testing of its Flood Panel Mega Flood Log System following hydrostatic and impact performance standards of the American National Standard for Flood Mitigation Equipment known as ANSI/FM 2510. According to the new ASCE/SEI 24-24 standards, all flood barriers must be tested and certified to meet the applicable requirements of ANSI/FM 2510. Manufactured at the company’s Jupiter, Florida-based Flood Panel facility, the Mega Flood Log System underwent seepage and impact testing in two configurations 12 feet wide by 5 feet high, and 5 feet wide by 8 feet high. The system was tested in a water tank filled to 10 percent capacity for one hour and 100 percent capacity for 20 hours. The ANSI/FM 2510 test limit for seepage is 0.08 gallons per hour per linear foot of seal – about 10.2 ounces. The Mega Flood Log System tested at 0.01 gallons per hour – about 1.3 ounces, far exceeding the standard. Even after impact testing with a 110 lb. wooden log smashing into the assembled system, Mega Flood Logs showed no additional seepage when retested. “With the more stringent requirements of ASCE/SEI 24-24 about to go into effect, the design and build industry needs assurance that the flood mitigation products and solutions they incorporate are professionally engineered and thoroughly tested,” said President and CEO Tom Little, CFM. “We follow a very high standard of excellence for our products, and we are proud of the testing results of the Mega Flood Log System.” Designed to be highly resistant to heavy impact forces and withstand high-velocity water loads typical of flash floods and hurricanes, the Mega Flood Log System is an in-demand flood mitigation solution with hundreds of successful installations and deployments at commercial properties and critical infrastructure facilities. The innovative design makes it easy to install and quick to deploy. The Mega Flood Log System offers the following benefits: Easy Assembly: Offers the lowest reaction times of flood control systems on the market and can be assembled by just one or two people. C-Shaped Support Posts: The system comprises a series of “C” shaped support posts and hollow aluminum beams that anchor the flood barrier system. These beams stack on each other with a tongue and groove connection. The bottom beam of each span is fitted with a large rubber seal that makes contact with the surface achieving a watertight seal. The support posts that attach to the building structure can be installed on a removable basis, minimizing the aesthetic impact on the building. Easy Deployment and Storage: Twelve-inch-high logs cut the deployment time and allow for more efficient, easy storage. Modular System: A modular, stackable system makes it easy to install in specific flood-prone areas, including window openings, across doors and storefronts, as well as an entire perimeter defense against flooding. Because of its modular design, it can run the length of any sized structure. Custom Designs Available: Our team designs custom solutions to fit unique building specifications. About is the go-to resource for all things related to flood risk and resiliency. We manufacture and supply the largest selection of innovative solutions under one roof and provide complimentary floodproofing design and turnkey assessments that present the best options to mitigate flood damage, improve recovery time, and lower liability risk. In addition, the team has spent many years studying the science of flood mitigation and is certified to instruct and provide learning credits to all professionals affiliated with the design-build industry. Also, our in-house insurance agency, Risk Reduction Plus Group, provides NFIP and private flood insurance options with the lowest possible premiums for at-risk communities. For more information, visit
A white car is driving through a flooded street
September 3, 2024
New Floodplain Maps for New Jersey Raise Concerns
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